Our partner in Human Resources – HRthatWorks – sent out a newsletter which included an article on the EEOC’s statistics from 2012. A few of the topics that stood out were that there were just under 100k claims handled by the Commission and the top three most common charges were Retaliation, Race and Sex discrimination. Race and or Sex discrimination handled just about 65% of all claims. This is staggering as the education, public attention and awareness to these topics seem to be much more prevalent — but it is still a huge issue.
How comfortable are you and your management team that you could properly handle and mitigate a situation that could lead to an EEOC claim? Some things to thing about are procedures and consistent education for employees and managers on HR topics. Are you honestly comfortable with this risk, or would you like to learn more about how to lower your firms risk?
Contact DG for more info: info@delandgibson.com
for more info on EEOC: http://www.eeoc.gov/