Yesterday NECN featured Tom Skelly, Vice President of Sales and Operations for Deland, Gibson Insurance, in their business update on the increase of Massachusetts insurance rates after the difficult winter of 2015. Skelly comments on the high percentage of ice dam damage claims this winter, the effect on insurance companies, and consumer recommendations and options in the video and article below.
“Put it down as one more insult from the awful, horrible, terrible winter of 2015: Massachusetts homeowners socked by snow and ice dams are now getting socked with insurance premium increases.
As first reported by The Boston Globe Monday, MAPFRE – formerly Commerce – Insurance is raising rates 8.9 percent for the 214,000 Massachusetts homeowners it covers. Plymouth Rock’s Bunker Hill Insurance unit is raising rates for 35,000 homeowners by about 7.8 percent starting this week. And Safety Insurance plans a 9.1 percent jump in December for 150,000 homeowners…” Read the full article
Related Topic: In the midst of the winter weather this February, Skelly also spoke with WBUR Radio Boston about ice dams and winter damage. The media often chooses Deland, Gibson as a source on industry matters, due to our leading edge knowledge – one of our core values.