Total Cost of Risk: Premiums, Risk Management Fees, Retained Losses, Administrative Costs, and Indirect Costs.
For You & Your Family: Personal and Family Risk
For Your Business:
- Workforce Risk: Employees are a company’s biggest asset. Not having an engaged, healthy, and motivated employee base can be one ofthe biggest inhibitors of profitability.
- Strategic Risk: Threats to the value of the organization.
- Hazard Risk: Threats of direct physical loss.
- Business Risk: Operational risk including policies, procedures, compliance and more.
Our Process
The Other 80% is a process that identifies organizes and addresses risk. The first step in the process is to perform a Risk Discovery Clinic. This is a session where we analyze areas of a family or with companies, Business, Strategic, Hazard and Workforce Risks are assessed.
The second step is a complete analysis of the risks where they are segmented into Low Medium and High Risk. The most volatile and impactful risks are then focused on when creating a Risk Reduction Plan.
The Third step is the DGRC team works with the client to set up an implementation schedule where over the next 12 months the Plan is implemented and monitored before another Risk Discovery Clinic is performed.