In looking up quotes for preparedness I found this from Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker and author:
“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.”
I believe Zig used this quote in reference to individuals, but it is exactly on par with running a business.
The United States and the rest of the world have has a heck of a past few years. Huge disasters from the Japanese tsunamis, to the Haitian earthquake to the US tornadoes even including ones in the northeast! Never has Mother Nature been more obvious in showing the need for a disaster recovery plan.
The statistics are not favorable. Many of those business put out of business for an extended period never reopen their doors. Even if they do make it back, the indirect cost of risk is huge:
- Opportunity costs lost
- Profits
- Loss of key employees
- The bills don’t go away
- Loss of clients
DG has an answer. DG has partnered with Agility Recovery.
From Agility:
If you have a disaster, we will deliver any, or all, of the four key elements of business continuity to get your business up and running.
- Connectivity
- Space
- Technology
- Power
Agility has recovered thousands of businesses struck by a disaster and will get them up and running within 24-48 hours.
For more info contact Chip Gibson.